Despite its short life, architectural peaks civilization defined as the bright age of human history, from the pen of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar; The gift of the Seljuk renaissance, which looks like the spring under the snow storm that suppresses timely, is kundekari. Kundekar, kundekar, kundekari. Art that always chooses precious trees to work on. Keeping the secret of diligence, craftsmanship, talismanic design techniques and applications, where harmony with nature is exalted in its thinness and simplicity, even today The Kündekari. Kündekari, who points out his physical description, the skillful interlocking of small geometric pieces, and the spiritual description and the reason for the design to belief and eternity. Both art and artist; There is patience in both the kundekari's and kundekar's yeast.
Patients' patience and the unique weaknesses and abilities of nature to wood and tree, working principle based on humidity and temperatures are brought to the game by Kündekar; abstractions in which mathematical harmony in nature is connected to life in wood, wood, with ornamentation, embellishment, embroidery, no motif is encountered in any motif, every motif evolves into a symbol of belief and mastery, and the master, mastery, symmetry in motifs to the order of the universe, eternity; The Kündekari. Sky Mirror, inspired by wooden pulpit created with kundekari technique in Bursa Ulucami, is presented with the handwork and craftsmanship of Paşabahçe using 24 carat gold and aging paints in all relief patterns. In the writings on it, quotations from Surat Surah were made.
Its production is limited to 2,000 units.
Diameter: 55 cm
Cleaning Recommendation: Wipe with a dry cloth.
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